Life Coaching.

Life Coaching
Self-Help Habits & Self-Worth
I love, value and respect myself and I am worthy of being loved, valued and respected. We all are. These sessions get you to a place of loving yourself. Focusing heavily on your internal-self and the kinds of things you say to yourself that are bringing you down, creating healthier internal dialogue so you can find inner strength, build a better daily life through healthy self-help habits and get to a place where you acknowledge your own worth, worthiness and value.

Stress & Anxiety Annihilation
Anxiety annihilation focuses on the root- cause (the why behind the panic), breathing techniques to help you cope with stress and anxiety, changing your emotional responses to external environments and feel supported as you work towards better adapting to and accepting change.

Self-Esteem & Confidence
Self-esteem, the belief that we can achieve and contribute to the world around us, that we have something useful to offer, that we have something of interest to say. These sessions dig deep into how you see yourself in relation to the world around you so you can comfortably walk into spaces with your head held high, make eye-contact without shying away, feel good about speaking up, having your own options, standing firm when setting healthy boundaries and asking (respectfully) for what you want out of work, life, others and yourself.